Best time to travel to French Polynesia

Wall of Sharks in French Polynesia

With the full moon shining over the very heart of the Pacific, thousands of spawning groupers are enclosed by hundreds of hungry predators

Wall of Sharks
Wall of Sharks
Wall of Sharks

Only once a year around the full moon in July something wondrous happens in the Pacific. Fakarava South Path sees thousands of groupers that choose the area to be their spawning ground, and numerous predators are attracted to the gathering. Even in other times the waters around Fakarava teem with sharks. One might see walls composed of a 100 to 600 grey sharks. It must be truly exciting to meet that number of sharks face to face.

Worried about your safety? Well, Fakarava sharks are not vegetarians, though they also don't eat people. So feel safe and free to observe them from every possible angle.

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Last updated: by Eleonora Provozin