Best time to go to Toronto

Pride Toronto 2023

One of the largest Pride celebrations in the world is attended by over 1 million people

Pride Toronto
Pride Toronto
Pride Toronto
Pride Toronto

Toronto Pride is a LGBT festival held each year in Toronto during the month of June. One of the largest gay festivals in the world, it features several stages with live concerts and DJs, a massive Dyke March, a Trans March and the Toronto Pride Parade. Most activities are centered around the Church Street and Wellesley village. The parade and marches pass along the nearby Yonge Street, Gerrard Street and Bloor Street. In 2014, the fourth international WorldPride was held in Toronto getting much attention and popularity.

The Pride Month runs for about 30 days. The Pride Festival usually falls on the last week of June. The Gay Pride Parade is held on either the last weekend of June or the first weekend of July. About 100,000 people attend the parade. After the parade, there are lots of live music and entertainment. Church Street gets turned into a large beer garden.

Toronto Pride is one of the largest festivals in North America. The festival site consists of 22 city blocks that are closed to traffic.

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Last updated: by Eleonora Provozin